Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Guide: How to Solve Happy Birthday Puzzle

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Guide: How to Solve Happy Birthday Puzzle

Resident Evil 7, a survival horror game developed by Capcom, released on January 24, 2017. This guide shows how to solve happy birthday puzzle in the game.

How to Solve Happy Birthday Puzzle

When you escape the old house, you will find 2 keycards to open the locked gate in the yard. Now when you are on the way to one of those keycards, you will come across a child’s room. There will be a Happy Birthday videotape in the attic. Watch it via a TV. You need to solve the puzzle

  1. Pick up candle.
  2. Then walk to the cake and listen to Lucas.
  3. Open the code lock to get Straw Doll. Combination = Chainsaw Man – Raven on Hat – Baby. The combo can also be seen if you get the telescope from the toilet, equip it and run it through the water in cake room, and then you have to look at screens through telescope. Then you can see the combination.
  4. From keg, you need to get the Winding Key in cake room.
  5. Then you have to burn Straw Doll at the stove. This is to get Dummy Finger.
  6. After that, light Candle at the stove and burn the rope on the door with it.
  7. Then get into the room behind the door and pick up the balloon at the corner.
  8. You have to put the balloon on the gas pipe so that you get the Quill pen.
  9. Now you have to put the dummy finger, the winding key and the quill pen on the mannequin at the place where you got the candle.
  10. It will writer the password LOSER on your arm.
  11. Enter the password in the balloon room lock to get the Valve handle.
  12. Take the valve handle and put it on the pipe in the cake room.
  13. Finally light up candle at the stove and put it on the cake.

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Second Happy Birthday Puzzle is part of the story.

At one point of the story, you will be lured by Lucas into the room that you saw earlier on videotape. Now your predecessor were not able to survive Lucas’ games. However, you can trick him. What you need to understand is that you do not need to get the Winding Key from the Keg. This is because, if the keg opens, oil will spill on the floor and burn you alive. So follow the steps below.

  1. Pick up the candle, then walk to the cake and listen to Lucas.
  2. Then light candle at the stove, and use it to burn the rope on the door.
  3. Now you have to enter the room behind door.
  4. Enter the code LOSER.
  5. Then take the valve handle and use it in the cake room. As no oil got spilled from the keg, you survive.
  6. Lucas will then throw a bomb into the room. You have to break open the barricade in the corner. Then take the bomb and throw it through the hole in the wall.

You can find the complete Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Guide here.