Game streaming has turned out to be a sound profession for all gamers globally. Since the gaming industry is increasing, it has given rise to technological tools that make the streaming process seamless and enhance the content quality. Ranging from 1080p HD video camera to high-speed desktops, every bit of the process requires specific tools to be done rightly. The video quality is what matters the most for game streaming; here is a list of four cheap and reliable webcams that will surely make it easy for you to make the pick:
Logitech Stream Cam:
Logitech has come up with an upgraded version of C922. It was designed to be used by content creators conveniently. The camera can switch from landscape to portrait mode by simply rotating it. The autofocus helps in getting the perfect shots without spending time on setting up the cameras. The video quality is 1080p, which ensures the best quality of content. The camera can shoot aptly in low light without compromising the picture quality. The picture quality is worth every penny you spend on the camera.
Razer Kiyo:
Known to be the most versatile webcam, razer Kiyo is best known for its lighting feature. The camera has a ring light in it, making it suitable to be used in any lighting conditions. The intensity of light can be adjusted through a dial placed on the camera. If you love streaming horror games in the dark, razor Kiyo is for you. The camera’s sensors give both excellent sharpness and let you capture every detail perfectly. Speedy autofocusing, high color saturation, and image vividness are contributing to Kiyo’s increasing popularity. Give this one a try; this surely won’t disappoint you!
Logitech Brio:
With 4k display resolution, the Brio’s high image resolution gives a more transparent picture quality. It has a 90-degree field of view and can capture the entire room aptly. Besides the main color feature, Brio has an infrared sensor that perfectly compatible with Microsoft’s facial sign-in feature and Windows hello. It is the only webcam that supports HDR capturing. Viewers having HDR screens will enjoy a picture that will be vivid and rich in colors. The only drawback is the buggy autofocus, but its other features make the gadget compelling for gamers.
ClearOne Unit 20 Pro:
This one is the most unheard of because it is seldomly used in homes and is mainly found in conference rooms or office environments. ClearOne gives you a webcam with 1080 picture quality and that too under $100 only. It has a 120-field view which allows you to capture the video and fit a lot more in your webcam. However, using it won’t be a great idea if you have got a messy room. This might not be a great option to opt for if you also want to use it for a video call with your boss or colleagues; for gaming, it’s a go-to option.
How to Choose the Best Webcam?

The process of choosing the webcam is similar to that of selecting a camera. The features that you must look for are picture quality, focus speed, the ease of customization of components, an on-board microphone, and color accuracy. Most webcams have trouble with capturing a good quality shot; image quality must be your prime concern. Make sure to buy the webcams that are compatible with your gaming setup as per their sizes and shapes.