Lost Sea Wiki Guide: How to Unlock Ship Upgrades

Lost Sea Guide: How to Unlock Ship Upgrades

Lost Sea is an action-adventure game where the player is stranded on an island after a storm over the Atlantic. Strange creatures and monsters inhabit this island looking for their hunt. Your only way out is to recruit other survivors and building a ship to get out of the sea. A number of Ship Upgrades are available in Lost Sea that ensure easy traversing across the sea. We show you how to unlock each of these upgrades and what will you need to unlock them.

How to Unlock Ship Upgrades

After you solve the first puzzle, you need to talk to the Strange Man. He will ask you to bring all the hidden treasure, tablet and in return, he allows you to use his ship. The Strange Man also allows you to unlock Player Skills, Ship Upgrades and Treasure Vaults. To buy ship upgrades from the Strange Man, one needs to destroy possible objects while exploring the island and collecting gold coins. We have compiled a list of all the possible Ship Upgrades and how many gold coins would one need to unlock each of them.


  • Description: Reveal Island that contains Treasure on the Sailing Screen
  • Coins Required: 50

Crow’s Nest I

  • Description: Reveal a randomly selected Tablet on the map
  • Coins Required: 50

Crow’s Nest II

  • Description: Reveal up to 2 Tablet on the map
  • Coins Required: 100

Crow’s Nest III

  • Description: Reveal up to 3 Tablet on the map
  • Coins Required: 150

Telescope I

  • Description: Reveal a randomly selected Crew Member on the map
  • Coins Required: 100

Telescope II

  • Description: Reveal up to 2 Crew Member on the map
  • Coins Required: 200

Telescope III

  • Description: Reveal up to 3 Crew Member on the map
  • Coins Required: 300


  • Description: Ensures multiple Tablets do not roll the Same sailing distance
  • Coins Required: 150

Charts II

  • Description: Single Tablet have a chance of revealing multiple destinations. A maximum total of 3 Tablets.
  • Coins Required: 400

Cabin I

  • Description: Permanently reduce the XP cost of learning new Player Skills
  • Coins Required: 200

Cabin II

  • Description: Sailing to new island results in a chance of a random Crew Member learning a new skill. Maximum of 4 Skills
  • Coins Required: 300

Cabin III

  • Description: Sailing to new island results in a chance of Crew Member recovering their Halo.
  • Coins Required: 500

Trawling Nets

  • Description: Sailing to new island results in a chance of finding an item(on Map Table)
  • Coins Required: 250

Galley I

  • Description: Sailing to new island results in a chance that crew regains a partial amount of health
  • Coins Required: 250

Galley II

  • Description: Sailing to new island results in a chance that crew regains full health
  • Coins Required: 350

Life Ring

  • Description: Sailing to new island results in a chance of Rescuing a Crew Member(Required Crew Slot) or the new crew will wait at the Dock.
  • Coins Required: 350


  • Description: Increase the Sailing distance of each Tablet by 1
  • Coins Required: 350

Crew Training

  • Description: Ensures Crew Member cannot take damage while cowering

Coins Required: 500