In Dark Souls 3, Crow Merchants are rare traders. You can find one of the Crow Merchants in Firelink Shrine. Let’s find out more and in Dark Souls 3 where to find crow merchant for trading.
- You need to get to the Roof of the Firelink Shrine
- Grab your first Estus Shard, if you have already been there
- If not, you will need a Key from the Shrine Handmaiden (20k Souls)
- Next you need to climb the stairs and get to the Top
- Then move outside of the tower
- Now make the first jump from the Pillar. If you have enough health, then you will be saved you from dying.
- You will find the Crow Merchant Nest in the middle of the round portion.
- When you find him, leave your items there and in return, you will get some other item. But you would not no which items you will get. Below is the list of the items you can get in exchange with the Crow merchant.
List of Items You Can Get in Exchange for your Items With Crow Merchant’s Items
Lighting Urn
Reward: Iron Helm
Loretta’s Bone
Reward: Ring of Sacrifice
Reward: Lucatiel Mask
Reward: Large Titanite Shard
Hidden Blessing
Reward: ‘Thank You’ Carving
Alluring Skull
Reward: ‘Hello’ Carving
Reward: Armor of the Sun
Seed of a Tree of Giants
Reward: Iron Leggings
Black Firebomb
Reward: Titanite Chunk
Prism Stone
Reward: Twinkling Titanite
Homeward Bone
Reward: Iron Bracers