Gears Of War 4 Guide: Boss Fight The Corpser

Gears Of War 4 Guide: Boss Fight The Corpser

Developed by The Coalition and published by Microsoft Studios, Gears Of War 4 is the fifth installment in the Gears Of War franchise despite the title. It is the first entry to not be developed by Epic Games. The game is a third-person shooter game and it is currently available for Microsoft Windows and Xbox One. It was released on 11 October 2016.

There are several bosses the player encounters in the single player version of the game. Each one has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Even the smallest and weakest of the bosses can prove difficult to handle if you are not knowing how to deal with it.

This Boss Fight The Corpser guide will show how to defeat the boss – The Corpser.

Gears Of War 4 Boss Fight The Corpser

This boss appears in Act 1, Prologue. The only way to deal damage to it is with the Hammer Of Dawn as bullets don’t work on this boss.

Head to the burning white van to the left of the boss whilst avoiding damage.

Move from cover to cover as you acquire the Hammer Of Dawn. Do not rush to get this hammer or rush at the boss after acquiring it as this could prove fatal.

Get into a safe position once you have the hammer.

Aim the HOD anywhere at the boss and hold the trigger until the weapon’s orbital strike is complete. With the hammer, the boss goes down in just a couple of hits.

You can find the complete Gears of War 4 guide here.