Halo Wars 2, released in February 2017, is real-time strategy (RTS) game, set in the fictional universe of the Halo series in the year 2559. The game is the sequel to the 2009 game Halo Wars. . The game is developed by 343 Industries and published by Microsoft Studios. This guide is about Rushing, Turtling, Teching tips and strategies in Halo Wars 2.
There are a total of three main strategies a player can use which work like a rock paper scissors relation. Rushing beats teching, turtling beats rushing and teching beats turtling. This Rushing, Turtling, Teching guide will provide an overview of these tactics.
Halo Wars 2 Rushing, Turtling, Teching Tips And Strategies
This involves building a large army based on infantry and scout units. Use the Jackrabbit and Chopper which are the best rushing units in the game.
This involves having defensive units and turrets. Here, you slowly expand your base fortifying each key point. This is a slow and steady way to victory.
Here, you spend your resources into researching and getting upgrades. This is the best strategy with proper teammates. Avoid this if you are playing with rookie players.
Find more Halo Wars 2 guides here.