Hideo Kojima Found in Westworld a Parallel to his Game Design

Hideo Kojima Found in Westworld a Parallel to his Game Design

Westworld is HBO’s new sci-fi/western show, which was inspired partly by video games. Hideo Kojima, celebrated video game developer and creator of Metal Gear Solid, watched episode 2 of the show and claimed something Anthony Hopkins’ character says is an “exact theory of my game design”.

This is the quote he’s referring to:

“They come back because of the subtleties, the details. They come back because they discover something they imagined well-known they haven’t noticed before. Something they fall in love with. They are not looking for the story that tells them who they are. They already know who they are. They are here because they wanted a glimpse of who they could be.”

He’s clearly talking about the obsessive amount of attention to detail in his games, which keep players coming back. Konami’s upcoming Metal Gear Survive has nothing to do with Kojima, literally.