Ryder can locate several model sized ships throughout the game world, some of which are throwbacks to previous mass effect games. Here we will talk about Mass Effect Andromeda Model Ships guide.
Mass Effect Andromeda was published by Electronic Arts on March 21, 2017 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. It is the fourth entry in Mass Effect series.
This guide will show the Ship models and where to find them.
Mass Effect Andromeda Model Ships Guide
Normandy SR-2
In Alec’s room above his bed on Ark Hyperion
Kett Fighter
Outcast HQ on Kadara. In a small room across from the door leading to the holding cells.
Destiny Ascension
Go to New Tuchanka on Elaaden. Go to the bottom floor and this model is on top of some crates left of the bar.
Archon’s Flagship
At the Nexus General store for 100 credits.
N01 Nomad
At the Nexus General store for 100 credits.
At the Nexus General store for 100 credits.
Remnant Derelict
Go to Alec’s terminal after finishing the game once. The model is on the left side of the desk.
Alliance Dreadnought
In Kadara Slums, in a secret crate above the clinic. It is next to an unmarked Black Market dealer.
Check out more Mass Effect Andromeda guides here.