Here we are listing out Okami HD secret trophies. Capcom released Okami HD, an action-adventure video game, on Dec 12, 2017 for Microsoft Windows, PS4, and Xbox One. It is a highly acclaimed game and now it it available in HD. The PC, PS4 and Xbox One version include both digital and retail editions. Now players get 4K resolutions and also an optional widescreen presentation alongside the 4:3 aspect ratio of the original game.
Okami is developed by Clover Studio and published by Capcom. Initially the game was released for Sony PS2 in 2006 in Japan and North America and then later in Europe and Australia in 2007. Okami HD is set in classical Japanese history. It’s has elements legends, Japanese myths and folklore. It tells the story of how the Shinto sun goddess, Amaterasu, saved the land from darkness. The sun goddess took the form of a white wolf. Now let’s check out what all secret trophies we have in the game.
Okami HD Secret Trophies List
Okami HD has 16 secret trophies. Below you can find the complete list of Okami HD Secret trophies and tasks that you need to perform to get them.
Silver Secret Trophies
Serpent Breath Task Description: For this trophy, you need to defeat Orochi.
Fox-Headed Wench Task Description: You need to defeat Ninetails.
The Dark Lord Task Description: You have get Yami defeated.
Bronze Secret Trophies
A Village for a Peach Task Description: You have to return Kamiki Village back to normal.
Descending Descendant Task Description: Go and meet Susano.
Let’s Rock, Baby! Task Description: Fight Waka.
Big Ol’ Flower Task Description: You got to kill Spider Queen.
Imp Exorcist Task Description: Take down the imps that possessed Princess Fuse.
One Mean Dude Task Description: For this trophy, you have to defeat Crimson Helm.
Dominate the Indomitable Task Description: Take down Blight.
Dragonian Dilemma Task Description: Go and meet with Otohime.
Fox-Face Task Description: Take down Evil Rao.
RIP Tobi Task Description: You have to win the final race against Tobi.
True Serpent Breath Task Description: Take down True Orochi.
Twin Birdbrains Task Description: Take down the twin demons, Lechku and Nechku.
Sayonara Task Description: Take the Ark of Yamato.
That’s all the Okami HD secret trophies.