Pokemon GO Guide: How to use Incense to Catch Pokemon

Pokemon GO Guide: How to use Incense to Catch Pokemon

If you love Pokemon, you ought to love the game. Here we will look into how to use incense to catch Pokemon. Pokemon GO is no doubt the biggest video game launch this year. The game is one of the first of its kind which uses Augmented Reality to let people catch and battle Pokemons in the real world. Gone are the days when you would sit at home and play games for countless hours without going outside. Pokemon GO does the opposite.

It makes the players go out in search of Pokemons, PokeStops and other a lot more. But there’s a possibility that it might be raining or it’s too cold or hot outside. And you still want to catch some Pokemons. For this situation, you can use an item called Incense.

Pokemon GO Guide: How to use Incense to Catch Pokemon

You can access the Incense from the Items list option. So what is Incense after all? Incense in Pokemon GO can be used to draw Pokemon near you so you could catch them easily. By default, you are given 2 Incense at the beginning. To use of these, simply touch it from the Items list and then touch the Floating Icon which will draw the nearby Pokemons towards you. In case you are traveling in teams, all your teammates will be affected by the Incense’s effect.

You can buy more Incense from the Store with PokeCoins. 1 Incense is available for 80 PokeCoins, 8 for 500 and 25 for 1250 PokeCoins.

That’s all from this Pokemon GO guide on how to use Incense to catch Pokemon. You can find the complete Pokemon GO Wiki Guide here.