Pokemon GO Guide: How to use Lure Module to Catch Pokemon

Pokemon GO Guide: How to use Lure Module to Catch Pokemon

Lure Modules in Pokemon GO work in a similar way to that of Incense. This Pokemon GO guide will show how to use Lure Module to catch Pokemon. You don’t want to go outside and still want to catch some Pokemons. You can use Incense or Lure Modules to draw Pokemons near you. Lure Modules are more powerful and effective than Incense and hence can be used to Catch more Pokemons than Incense. So let’s see how you can use a Lure Module to catch Pokemons.

Pokemon GO Guide: How to use Lure Module to Catch Pokemon

Lure Modules can be used by deploying one of any PokeStops nearby with a shower if pink petals are around the shop. Lure Modules remain active for 30 minutes just like Incense and can be seen by all other players in that area. Players can wait around the PokeStop can capture Pokemons that show up.

Lure Modules can be bought from the Shop using PokeCoins. You can get 1 Lure Module for 100 PokeCoins, 8 for 680 and so on. They can also be found at various PokeStops for free.

That’s all about Pokemon GO how to use Lure Module to catch Pokemon. You can find the complete Pokemon GO Wiki Guide here.