To fend off Vivendi takeover, Ubisoft is seeking the help of Canadian investors. The French media conglomerate, Vivendi has been making a lot of effort to secure more and more stocks of French publisher Ubisoft. Ubisoft has called this effort totally one-sided calling it unwelcome. Ubisoft wants to retain its independence and does not want to get absorbed into Vivendi. One of the ways it’s hoping to achieve that, is to court Canadian investment, home of over 3,000 developers employed by the company. According to a report from Canadian paper The Globe and Mail, CEO Yves Guillemot wants to attract investment from the national and Quebec governments, and has already met with Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec’s Premier Philippe Couillard. Guillemot told the paper that Ubisoft assets would be better managed and protected as long as the company remains independent.