Yooka-Laylee Ghost Writers Locations Tribalstack Tropics

Yooka-Laylee Guide: Ghost Writers Locations Tribalstack Tropics

Yooka-Laylee, released in April 2017. It is an open-world game developed by Playtonic Games. It is made for PC, Xbox One, PS4, Linux and Mac. Yooka-Laylee is can be bought from GOG, Steam, Microsoft Store and Playstation Store. Explore the beautiful world and its unforgettable characters. You are put into the shoes of buddy-duo Yooka and Laylee who embark on an epic journey to overthrow corporate villain Capital B and his evil plans for profit. Here we in this guide we are mentioning Yooka-Laylee Ghost Writers Locations Tribalstack Tropics.

There are 5 ghost writers in each of the worlds of the game. This guide will show the locations of the ghost writers in Tribalstack Tropics.

Yooka-Laylee Ghost Writers Locations Tribalstack Tropics


Take the stairs on the right below the entrance to the level.


Unlock the expansion of the world. Go near the top of the monument in the back corner. Go to the right side of the world. The red ghost will appear. Fight it. Win against him and you get the ghost writer.


Around the righthand corner.


In the back left corner of the woods. Shoot the area with Sonar Shot to reveal this ghost.


To the left of the entrance. Go to the platform ahead. Shoot the ice in the ghost’s mouth.

Check out Yooka-Laylee Trophies list