No Man’s Sky Guide: Getting 48 Slot Starship For Free

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In this new game, the player is bound to quickly run out of inventory storage. Hence, inventory slots are very valuable.

This Getting 48 Slot Starship For Free guide will show a trick to get 48 slots in your ship without spending a single buck.

No Man’s Sky Guide: Getting 48 Slot Starship For Free

No Man's Sky Guide: Getting 48 Slot Starship For Free


In the beginning, the default starship of the player has only 15 inventory slots. Purchasing a new ship to increase the slots can be very expensive. Follow the listed steps to increase your ship’s inventory slot limit to the maximum capacity of 48.

  1. Land on any Planet
  2. Look for an outpost with Red Laser(needs Bypass Chip)
  3. Select the Transmission option to get Transmission Tower location
  4. Enter the Tower and interact with the object(puzzle)
  5. If solved properly, you get a distressed signal
  6. Follow the signal
  7. New Ship with Higher Slot is now acquired
  8. Transfer your Items and Repair it.
  9. Collect more and Enjoy.

While repairing the ship, only look for thrusters and pulse drive.